
Manufactured By Cipla

Class: Androgen hormone inhibitor Action Inhibits conversion of testosterone into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone, a potent androgen. Indications Treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). unlabeled use(s): Adjuvant monotherapy following radical prostatectomy; prevention of progression of first-stage prostate cancer; treatment of male-pattern baldness, acne, and hirsutism. Contraindications Use during pregnancy or lactation and use in children. Route/Dosage ADULTS: PO 5 mg qd. Interactions None well documented. Lab Test Interferences Decreased prostate-specific antigen levels. Adverse Reactions GU: Impotence; decreased libido; decreased volume of ejaculate. Precautions Pregnancy: Category X. Lactation: Do not use in lactating women. Children: Not recommended for children. Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis: Based on animal studies, may have carcinogenic or mutagenic potential. Duration of therapy: Minimum of 6 mo therapy may be necessary to see effect. Hepatic function impairment: Use with caution. Obstructive uropathy: Carefully monitor patients with large residual urine volume or severely diminished urinary flow. PATIENT CARE CONSIDERATIONS Administration/Storage Do not allow women of childbearing age to handle crushed tablets. Store medication in tightly closed container and protect from light. Assessment/Interventions Obtain patient history, including drug history and any known allergies. Document results of liver function tests prior to starting therapy. Carefully monitor I&O in patients with large residual urine volume or diminished urinary flow. Review prostate-specific antigen levels and document any sustained increase. Patient/Family Education Inform patient that impotence, decreased libido, or decreased volume of ejaculate may occur. Advise patient that contact with crushed tablet could be hazardous to pregnant females and that exposure also may occur via semen. Explain that partners of patients taking finasteride who are of childbearing age should use a reliable method of contraception. Emphasize that drug may cause abnormalities of external genitalia of male fetus. Point out importance of regular follow-up by physician.