Manufactured By Fourrts
Indications paracetamol overdosage
Cautions atopy;
asthma (see Side-effects below but donot delay acetylcysteine treatment); acetylcysteine may slightly increase INR and prothrombin time
Hypersensitivity-like reactions managed by reducing infusion rate or suspending until reactionsettled (rash also managed by giving antihistamine;
acute asthma managed by giving nebulised shortacting beta2agonist)—contact the National Poisons Information Service if reaction severe; slight increase
in INR and prothrombin time
. By intravenous infusion, ADULT and CHILD body-weightover 40 kg, see Acetylcysteine Dose and Administration in notes above; CHILD body-weight under 20 kg,initially 150 mg/kg in 3 mL/kg glucose 5% and givenover 1 hour, followed by 50 mg/kg in 7 mL/kg glucose5% and given over 4 hours, then 100 mg/kg in14 mL/kg glucose 5% and given over 16 hours;
CHILDbody-weight 20–40 kg, initially 150 mg/kg in 100mLglucose 5% and given over 1 hour, followed by 50 mg/kg in 250mL glucose 5% and given over 4hours, then 100 mg/kg in 500mL glucose 5% andgiven over 16 hours.Note Glucose 5% is preferred infusion fluid; sodium chloride0.9% is an alternative if glucose 5% unsuitable Acetylcysteine (Non-proprietary)A Concentrate for intravenous infusion, acetylcysteine200 mg/mL, net price 10-mL amp = £1.96 Concentrate for intravenous infusion, acetylcysteine200 mg/mL, net price 10-mL amp = £2.25.Electrolytes Na+ 14 mmol/10-mL amp ACETYLCYSTEINE indications paracetamol overdosage, see notes above
Cautions atopy; asthma (see Side-effects below but do not delay acetylcysteine treatment); acetylcysteinemay slightly increase INR and prothrombin time