
Tresivac (mmr)-0.5ml Inj.

Manufactured By Serum Institute Of India Ltd

INDICATION For active immunization against Measles and Rubella in infants, children, adolescents and young adults at risk. ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION Subcutaneous injection DOSE First dose of MMR given in children - 12 months of age to10 years of age. Second dose of MMR is advocated any time before the age of 6 years (elementary school entry 4-6 years) and thereafter Measles and Rubella vaccine is recommended. COMPOSITION The reconstituted vaccine contains in each single human dose of 0.5 ml: Not less than 1000 CCID50 of Measles virus Not less than 5000 CCID50 of Mumps virus Not less than 1000 CCID50 of Rubella virus PRESENTATION: 1 Dose vial with diluent (0.5 ml) 2 Dose vial with diluent (1 ml) 5 Dose vial with diluent (2.5 ml) 10 Dose vial with diluent (5 ml)